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Winehaven Winery

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Give the gift that keeps on giving - a physical gift card from Winehaven!  This gift card will be sent to the recipient you select by US Mail.  It will generally arrive in 2-3 business days. 

9 In Stock

Give the gift that keeps on giving - a electonic gift card from Winehaven!  This gift card will be e-mailed to the recipient that you select within minutes!  This gift card can either be used online at winehaven.com, or in-person at Winehaven!

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Make delicious mulled wine by adding these spices to your bottle of Lakeside Red or Marechal Foch

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SKU: RavensMullingSpices

An amazing blend of Merlot wine and delicious, pourable fudge.  Perfect over ice cream! (4.8% alcohol by volume).

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SKU: Chocolatemerlot
Made with Winehaven's award-winning Raspberry Wine, our rich and decadent wine truffles are made with the finest dark chocolate that is sure to melt in your mouth!  6 truffles per box.  Net. Wt. 3 oz.
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SKU: 6PieceRaspberry Truffles

These hand picked, whole blueberries, are dried and rolled in wine-infused milk chocolate and sealed in a crisp, chocolate shell!

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SKU: WineHavenChocolateBlueberries

This award-winning Raspberry Jalapeno Jam is the perfect blend of raspberries paired with the subtle heat of jalapenos, this jam is all natural, gluten and preservative free. Simply serve over a block of cream cheese as an appetizer, blend with cream cheese for a spirited fruit dip, or heat to make a glaze on grilled salmon or a marinade for pork tenderloin. 

46 In Stock
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SKU: RavensRaspberryJalapeno

The same delicious honey that is used in our famous Stinger Mead.  It's as good as it gets!

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